Custom Entries' table in the preferences under Terminal/Local Terminal. It is not at all obvious but you can add custom shells by clicking 'Add' in the 'Show In.
I didn't use mintty (which caused the shell to open in a new window) but instead executed bash directly. I managed to get this working with Cygwin. See Preferences > Terminal for additional options like registering custom shell environments (like Git Bash, Cygwin, or just custom PATH settings).Įnhancements and Fixes are now listed in the CDT New and Noteworthy document's Terminal section ( CDT 10.0) ( CDT 10.1) ( CDT 10.2) ( CDT 10.3) ( CDT 10.4).įound an issue? - Please report a bug! Interested in requesting enhancements, or participating? Type Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn to switch between multiple Terminal Tabs. Use Alt+Right for quick access to other Eclipse views. In the Terminal, type Alt+Up to maximize or restore it. Full ANSI cursor control, readline and coloring, Use vi, emacs or similar programs on any remote host. For additional options or remote sessions, use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T or click the 'Terminal' toolbar button. That's all - it just works :) Previous sessions are remembered and auto-reconnected on quit and restart. Just press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a local command prompt (Terminal).
A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse.